At our meeting on October, 18th, 2022, the board voted to make the following grant awards:
Our Winter 2023 Grant Cycle will be focused on Animal & Human Welfare. The Winter Grant Cycle will open on December 7th, 2022, and close on January 7th, 2023. If you are not already registered within our grant application and tracking program Grant360 and you have an idea for a trackable project, feel free to contact the Foundation's ED Martina. If there is a fit, we will create an account for you within Grant360. At our meeting on July 12th, 2022, the board voted to make the following grants:
Our Fall Grant Cycle will focus on Arts & Humanities. This cycle will open for proposals on September 1st and close on September 30th, 2022. Our Summer 2022 Grant Cycle focused on the Environment will open June 1st, 2022, and close on June 30th, 2022. Those organizations who already have an account setup within our grants program Grant360 can use their account to submit a proposal. If you do not have an account and wish to have one setup, please email Martina, our Executive Director, and share a few words about the trackable project you have in mind. If there is a fit then we will have our IT person create an account within two to three business days. We look forward to considering your grant proposal.
At our April 19th, 2022, meeting the board approved the following grants in support of education:
Our Spring Grant Cycle will focus on Education. If you have a trackable project that fits within Education, feel free to send us a brief email outlining the project you have in mind. Send your email to Martina at [email protected]. If there is a fit we'll create an account for your Grant Administrator within Grant360 so that he or she is able to submit a proposal. Please note that if your organization already has an account within Grant360, you are good to go. The Spring Grant Cycle will open for proposals on March 1st and close on March 31st. This grant cycle will have a (10) proposal limit and is first come first serve. We look forward to hearing about your trackable Education project.
At our October 12th, 2021, meeting the board approved the following Arts & Humanities grants
The Winter 2022 Grant Cycle will focus on Animal & Human Welfare. This Grant Cycle will open on December 7th, 2021 and close on January 7th, 2022. However we encourage organizations to contact us ahead of the open date with a few details concerning the project they have in mind so we can determine if our interests dovetail. If our interests do dovetail then we can setup an account for your organization in our grant application and tracking program Grant360 (given that an account for your organization does not already exist). You will need an account within Grant360 in order to submit an application outlining your proposed trackable project. Our Fall Grant Cycle will focus on Arts & Humanities. If you have a trackable project that fits within Arts & Humanities, feel free to send us a brief email outlining the project you have in mind. Send your email to Martina at [email protected]. If there is a fit we'll create an account for your Grant Administrator within Grant360 so that he or she is able to submit a proposal. The Fall Grant Cycle will open for proposals on September 1st and close on September 30th. This grant cycle will have a (10) proposal limit and is first come first serve. We look forward to hearing about your trackable Arts & Humanities project.
Please note that Martina will be out of the office for the week of August 9th, so please expect a delay in receiving a response during that timeframe. Hello Board and Staff. It's the day before our July, 2021 end-of-year board meeting and I am putting the finishing touches on our new web site. I just wanted to create a welcome post as a way of demonstrating how the blog part of our new web site will look. In the future I will post news about the Foundation both here at the blog and over at our MailChimp email list. If you have Foundation news you would like me to share, feel free to send me what you have. Again, welcome to the Foundation's new web site. I hope you like the refreshed look and feel. Rick
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